
May I start a new thread to discuss with you the costs and benefits for splitting your model. I have some big models (47 up to 76 columns) which I have long thought are just too big. The splits would all have to be 1:1 with the core model.


On 13/04/2018 7:05 PM, Adrien Cossa wrote:

Hi everybody!

I would like to know what options exist when you have a huge migration that will obviously not run on your productive server.

I have spitted a model in two smaller ones and wrote then a migration to populate these new models. The number of original objects is around 250,000 and I have also a few references to update. In the end, the migration lasted more than 30 mn on my machine (16 GB RAM and it was swapping a lot) and it failed on another machine because the RAM was out (the process was using then about 13 GB). On the productive server we have even less RAM so to run the migration as it is is really out of question.

I have tried to use all the Django mechanisms that I know to optimize the queries: select_related, prefetch_related, bulk_create, QuerySet.update... Now, the migration I am talking about use bulk_create(batch_size=None) and process the whole queryset at once. Before that, as the migration was not so long lasting because I had 2 references less to update,  I tried other values for batch_size and also I processed the queryset as pages of a few hundreds or thousands objects. The results were not better then batch_size=None and "all at once", that's why I finally used "basic settings" (and the migration was lasting about 5 minutes). I will have to reintroduce some tweaks because the extra updates of the two relations I mentioned is making here a big difference.

I am wondering if someone already found him/herself in a similar situation, and with what solution you finally came to.

If the migration lasts very long, it's not a problem by itself but I don't want to lock the database for 15 mn. The fact is that I don't know what is happening during the migration process, what is locked by what? I will split the migration in "pages" to use less RAM anyway, but I was also thinking of migrating in two different steps *or* files, in order to process separately the objects that are not editable (basically most of them, that we keep for history but they are read-only) and the others (which should be much faster and thus people working will not be blocked for long). Does it make sense? Some other ideas?

Thanks a lot!

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