On 28/03/2018 3:42 AM, shawn...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi everyone, I am currently working on django and get confused about
how to design the model.
Right now, I have a table named 'Reactionmeta' which structure like below:
1 2 3 4
5 6 121 122
reaction name metabolite1 stoichiometry1 metabolite2
stoichiometry2 .......... metabolite60 stoichiometry60
(stoichiometry1 corresponds to metabolite1 and so on so forth)
I think this is a spreadsheet approach to a relationship problem
I'm not totally sure about the reactivity and stoichiometry but I have
used a relational approach to a (probably) different problem.
Mine is a mixture hazard classification system which includes reaction
products from some ingredients. I think maybe your metabolites are like
my ingredients. I don't care about the stoichiometry of my reaction
products and rely on the scientist-user to worry about that. My system
only cares about the end-points.
So for me a mixture is a bunch of ingredients. An ingredient is a
substance with properties and the mixture is a substance with a
many-to-many relationship with itself. The stoichiometry calculations
(if I was doing them) would be in the 'through' record which links a
substance (ingredient) to the mixture substance.
In this way I only have as many records as there are ingredients plus
one for the mixture. No empty records and an unlimited number of
If you are interested you can examine the working system. Let me know
off-list and I can give you a login.
(P.S: I have to claim that each stoichiometry correspond to one
metabolites in the reaction, like a + b -> 2c + d(the number is the
However, one metabolite may has different stoichiometry, because they
may involved in different reactions.
For example: a + 2b + c -> d + e + f; 2a + b -> h + j
(metabolite a has different stoichiometry in two reactions)
some of the reactions, contains 2 metabolites, thus this reaction have
value in 6 columns and no value from column 7-122.
And some of the reactions contains more than 40 metabolites, so they
have values in majority of columns.
My question is, I created the class and registered in the admin.py,
and when I clicked on one reaction in adminsite and all the columns
are displayed even though some of fields are blank, like below:
In that case, how can only display those fields with values and hide
the fields without values? Or is there is any other way to modify the
database structure or class structure to display the metabolites and
stoichiometry only this reaction involves?
Thank you!!!!
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