This might fail the obviousness test for some people, but it just saved
me a shed-load of work. Basic problem is this: I pitched Django to a
client a few weeks ago, and they seemed very happy with it and told me
to go ahead. About a week into the project (ie, when I'd all but
finished it ;) they got cold feet on the idea, said they wanted to stay
with their existing web-hosting service, and so therefore would need
"flat" HTML rather than Django-ised pages.

The solution is this:

wget -m

where "" is your Django website. There was a small amount of
messing around to do -- wget didn't deduce that some of the images on
the page were backgrounds specified in the style-sheet for example, so
I had to copy those images by hand.

But overall, this means I can now develop websites under my preferred
environment (Django) without worrying unduly about the client changing
his/her mind about it. I think, in fact, this is now my preferred way
to develop websites, given that templates, etc, make it much easier to
respond to changing requirements from clients.

HTH :)


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