Hello Anon,

Django doesn't use database level ON DELETE constraints and emulates them 
in Python
to dispatch pre_delete/post_delete signals. As long as you're using the ORM 
to perform
the deletion you shouldn't encounter constraint violations.

There's a ticket to add support for database level on_delete constraints[0].


[0] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21961

Le mercredi 21 mars 2018 10:50:25 UTC-4, Anon Ymous a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am learning python by trying to create a small Django app.  I may have 
> found a bug related to Django and/or sqlite3.  If you are stackoverflow 
> folks then my initial post is there:  
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49361834/integrityerror-exception-in-deleteview-cbv
> My app really is just creating a small web site to add users and figure 
> out how to do CRUD operations in building user profiles.  I am using the 
> following setup:
> Django Version: 2.0.3
> Python Version: 3.6.3
> Installed Applications:
> ['django.contrib.admin',
> 'django.contrib.auth',
> 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
> 'django.contrib.sessions',
> 'django.contrib.messages',
> 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
> 'django_extensions',
> 'django.contrib.sites',
> 'allauth',
> 'allauth.account',
> 'allauth.socialaccount',
> 'auditlog',
> 'widget_tweaks',
> 'Members.apps.MembersConfig']
> Installed Middleware:
> ['django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware',
> 'auditlog.middleware.AuditlogMiddleware']
> I am using sqlite3 as the DB backend..
> I can create the virgin project, tweak the settings file and do the 
> initial "makemigrations" and "migrate".  This, of course, creates the 
> Django "user" table(s).  I went about creating my own "profile" model that 
> "extends" the User model by creating a "oneToOne" field that points back to 
> User and specifies an "on_delete=models.CASCADE" clause:
> class Profile(models.Model):
> ...
> user = models.OneToOneField(
> User,
> on_delete=models.CASCADE,
> blank=False,
> null=False,
> )
> ...
> The thing is the table that is created is given the constraint:
> but the "on delete cascade" clause is missing.  
> I first noticed this when testing a profile delete operation.  I get a 
> foreign key constraint violation.  Looking into that led me here to you 
> guys.
> I have added that clause to the table:
> FOREIGN KEY(`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user`(`id`) on delete cascade 
> but I still get the constraint violation.  I did more digging last night 
> and see that at least one of the Django generated "user_*" tables also has 
> a foreign key relationship back to the "user" table and that is also 
> missing the cascade clause.
> My guesses at this instant include:
>    - I have no idea what I am doing
>    - Django or the sqlite3 backend *should* be handling the cascade ops 
>    internally -- but isn't
> What am I missing?

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