I am trying to migrate from Python 2, Django 1.8 to Python 3, Django 1.11 
and I have a little problem with dictsort filter whith Null values.

The following code was working on *Django 1.8, Python 2* :

*Extract from models.py:*

class Edition(models.Model):
    titre = models.CharField(max_length=510, blank=True)
    annee_publication = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
    collectifs = models.ManyToManyField('Collectif', through='EditeOeuvre',

class EditeOeuvre(models.Model):
    edition = models.ForeignKey('Edition')
    collectif = models.ForeignKey('Collectif', blank=True, null=True,)

*Extract from views.py:*

def collectif(request, id):
    collectif = 
    return render(request, 'prelib/collectif.html', context)

With Django 1.8, I could sort collectif.edition_collectifs.all even if some 
annee_publication were Null :

{% for edition in collectif.edition_collectifs.all|dictsort:"annee_publication" 
{{ edition }}
{% endfor %}

With Django 1.11, if some annee_publication are Null, no {{ edition }} are 

Is this a bug or did I something wrong ?


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