Hello, I have just finished the django tutorial here 
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/intro/tutorial01/. But I am still not 
sure to write the following intended web application.

The application asks an user to enter his/her name, then to make 30 
choices(either choose 1 or 2). At the end I need to record those 30 choices 
under the user's name.

The major part I am confusing is about data export and import. The tutorial 
shows how to enter the questions in a shell. But I would like to the 
program to read parameters from a matlab matrix(say 30*6 matrix), or 
whatever files possible. Here the number of rows is equal to 30, which is 
equal to the number of task.

Essentially I only need one form. The form should iteratively read one row 
from the matrix and uses the numbers in that row to show a choice task to 
the user. The user makes a choice and proceeds to next form. The next form 
will read the next row from the matrix and shows a new choice task. An 
example of one choice task would look like the following:

Which one do you prefer?

Choice 1: [40,20,10]

Choice 2: [30,50,20]

I am also not sure about using database. The exported data is simply 30 
 numbers of either 1 or 2. Can I just find some way to save this dataset, 
named as the user's name? 

Can anyone help me with this or  let me know where to find an example/ 

Many thanks!



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