Found this lovely doc:

But it leaves me with a thirst for more knowledge. My conclusion form 
reading it is, that if I wanted to put a hook into some custom code that 
always ran after data was loaded from the database, and after the model 
instance is created (populated with data) I would need to dos something 

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def create(cls, title):
        book = super().create(cls, title)
        # hook to custom code here
        return book

    def from_db(cls, db, field_names, values):        
        book = super().from_db(cls, db, field_names, values)
        # hook to custom code here
        return book

    def refresh_from_db(self, using=None, fields=None, **kwargs):
        super().refresh_from_db(using, fields, **kwargs)
        # hook to custom code here

Taking note that the last of these is an instance method and the first two are 
class methods and returns nothing.

The documentation is not very clear in this space.

If that hook took the simple form of:

if hasattr(book_or_self, "_post_load") and callable(book_or_self._post_load):

Then defining a model method _post_load(self) would provide a place to put code 
that ran reliably before any other code could inspect the instance?

It seems a little clunky almost as if it would be neater if there were a signal 
issued at that point in time by django base, but could be tidied up by writing 
a new model class that derives from models.Model, like ModelWithPostLoadHooks 
and deriving a model from that if it wanted to have such hooks.

Musing here, and wondering if I have it right. 


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