On Friday, February 9, 2018 at 3:58:19 AM UTC+5:30, Inderjeet Kaur wrote:
> Hi 
>     I am new to Django. can anyone please help me with installation and 
> starting a project. Does Django have IDE like dreamweaver or Visual studio 
> to design a website?
> I have installed Python 3.6 on my Windows machine. Also I have downloaded 
> and installed Django files at 
> location C:\Users\Vismaad\Documents\Django-2.0.2\build\lib\django.
>    I have no idea how to move ahead. What are Django-admin-tools?
> Thanks!

Hii Indrajeet,
                    You can use virtual environment which would help you to 
separate your project from the rest of the project working on your computer 
and is highly recommended.
                     make a directory on your desktop(mkdir {name of the 
                     cd (name of the folder)
                     virtualenv .  (creates a virtual enviroment)
                     source bin/activate (activates the virtualenv)
                     pip install django (downloads the latest version of 
                     pip install django==(specific version if you want to 
                     ls(shows one manage.py file)
                     python manage.py runserver generates your first django 
powered page.


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