I need to create an edit box called handicapped with three drop down 
options on the display:
  0 - none
  1 - Mental
  2 - Phyiscal

and connect it to the handicapped field init(11) in the family database

I know I have to do something like:

            if form['handicapped'].data == 1 or 2:
                q = 

>>> But I'm really confused about the above part.

# start of output using search parameters

            if q.count() > 1:
              search_message = "There are %s children that match your 
selection of %s"  %  (q.count(), request.POST['gender'])
              search_message = "There is 1 child that matches your 
selection of %s"  %  (request.POST['gender'])

            if q.count() > 1:
               search_message = ", age: %s"  %  (request.POST['age'])
               search_message = ", age: %s"  % (request.POST['age'])

            if form.data['handicapped'] is 'Physical' or 'Mental':
               if q.count() > 1:
                  search_message = ", is %s handicapped" %  
               elif q.count() == 1:
                  search_message = ", is %s handicapped" % 
                search_message = ", are %s handicapped" % 

but it doesn't _work at all_.

I should say the database is defined correctly.

I get lots of different types of errors - sorry I can't include them now, 

I am  trying to find the children (already in the database) who may or may 
not have one of two types of handicaps.

I _do_ use Form. The form file contents follow:
from django import forms
from .widgets import ChainedSelectWidget
from .models import Child

class SponsorForm(forms.Form):
    child = forms.IntegerField()

class FilterForm(forms.Form):
    gender = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[(x, x) for x in ('-----', 'MALE', 
'FEMALE')], required=False)
    age = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[(x, x) for x in range(1, 18)], 
#    orphaned = forms.BooleanField(initial=False,required=False)
#    extreme_need = forms.BooleanField(initial=False,required=False)
    handicapped = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[(x, x) for x in ('-------', 
'Mental', 'Physcal')], required=False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FilterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if 0 == len(self.data):
            self.fields['age'].queryset = Child.objects.none()

        # assign a widget to second select field
        self.fields['age'].widget = ChainedSelectWidget(
            parent_name='gender',         # the name of parent field
            app_name='sponsorship',            # the name of model's 
            model_name='child',          # the name of a model with the 
            method_name='get_children',  # the name of queryset method


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