Yeah it is all coming back to me. I was unwilling to answer all of these questions and create the perfect solution (which may not exist) and therefore we don't have aggregates in Django even though I demonstrated that a straightforward implementation was possible way back when. Thanks for backing me up on that Russ. ;)
What I am pondering in the meantime is whether or not to do a fork of Django someday that concentrates more on scientific presentations rather than newspapers. In DjangoSci (or perhaps TechnoDjango) there would be a lot of attention to data reduction, statistical processing, queries oriented towards returning graphable data sets and, of course, true floating point data representations in the database. I am willing to wait for Malcom to finish his work before making this monumental move. I will also look over SQLAlchemy. The desire to mold a version of Django (or Django itself) to better handle the needs of the technical/scientific market does not in any way represent a slap at Django itself or its' many paid and volunteer developers. Django rocks! It has become a core capability in my development group. We already have 3 elaborate and highly visible internal applications based on Django and our ability to quickly respond to requests for improvements has changed the dynamics of how our entire division does much of its work. Rock On Nov 29, 11:51 pm, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 11/30/06, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I think for those who need aggregate data these would cover a lot of > > ground. I'd be willing to work on a patch if this is considered > > generally useful and we can work out what the API should look like.1 - I'm > > agreed on the need for easier access to aggregates. Truth be told, > aggregates are the reason I got involved with Django in the first place. > However, other priorities have arisen in the meantime, so I haven't got > around to doing anything about them. > > 2 - Keep in mind that Malcolm has been working on refactoring > django.db.models.query. Until this refactor is committed, we are trying to > minimize the number of large changes to > > 3 - Also keep in mind that one of the goals of the SQLAlchemy branch is to > make complex aggregates (such as those requiring group_by and having) easier > to represent. That said, there doesn't appear to have been a lot of progress > on this branch (at least, not in public commits, anyway). > > 4 - If you search the archives (user and developer), you will find several > discussions on aggregate functions. group_by() and having() (or > pre-magic-removal analogs thereof) have been rejected previously on the > grounds that the Django ORM is not intended to be 'SQL with a different > syntax'. Any proposal for group_by/having will have to be logical from a > Django ORM point of view, and not presuppose/require knowledge of how SQL > formulates queries. > > 5 - The aggregates you suggest are the quick and obvious method for getting > aggregates into the query language. However, here are some issues to > consider: > > Article.objects.count() return an integer that is the count of all author > objects. This makes sense, and syntactically parses the same way that it > operates. > > However, what does Article.objects.max('pagecount') return? The integer that > is the largest page count, or the Article that has the largest pagecount? > > If it is the former, how do you use the maximum value to get the Article > with that maximum value in a single query? > > If it is the latter, does it return a single object, or a queryset that > evaluates to an object? > > What happens if there are two objects with the same maximum pagecount? > > How do you get multiple aggregates for a value in a single query (efficiency > matters)? > > How does the simple case fit into the big picture? Ideally, the simple min() > would be a degenerate case of the min-with-group by-and-having. Prove to me > that adding min(), max(), etc isn't going to become a wart that we have to > support into the future when 'aggregate clauses 3000' is added to Django's > query syntax. > > So, as you can see - it's not as simple as 'just add a min() where count() > is already'. > > Like I said at the beginning, I'm keen to see aggregates implemented - I > just want to see them done right. There are many things that _could_ be done > to implement aggregates; whether they are the _right_ thing to do is another > matter entirely. I'm open to any discussion on this issue, and would be > happy to help shepard any patches resulting from the discussion into the > trunk. > > Yours, > Russ Magee %-) --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---