In production, I have setup asgi, wsgi and nginx. My javascript frontend 
manage connected successfully base on the logs in runworker. However, when 
a new model is created (DRF API, Admin or Shell), it does not send a 
message to the group where my frontend is connected. It work perfectly in 

I had did some testing in the python shell and found out that it 
work when I try to send a group message myself first.

$ python shell

Python 3.6.2 (default, Aug 27 2017, 18:32:19) 

[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)] on darwin

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>>> from channels import Group
>>> from github_hook.models import Feed
>>> Feed.objects.create(name="foo") # Model is created but frontend did not 
receive any message
>>> Group("news").send({"text": "dsa"}) # After I do this, a print I had in happened
>>> is run!
>>>  Feed.objects.create(name="foo") # Now when i created a new object, 
frontend successfully received the mssage

The following is my CHANNEL_LAYERS setup:

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "asgi_redis.RedisChannelLayer",
        "CONFIG": {
            "hosts": [os.environ.get('REDIS_URL', 
        "ROUTING": "github_hook.routing.channel_routing",

I had been on this for 2 weeks, still caa't figure out what is wrong. Can 
anyone help me figure out whats wrong? 

It seems to me that my application that is served by WSGI, when created a 
model via admin, it does not trigger the message sending. It seems to be 
missing some init on 

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