May I suggest:

Would *insist* help??? <g>

On 12/12/2017 05:14 AM, mccc wrote:
I agree with Matthew's sentiment;

also, I'd like to point out that the words you (Larry) posted are not your own but are literally coming off of <> (found also on <>, by means of a "feature article" from a not-so-trustworthy consultancy group). I do agree that the topic and the approach to the issue are not adequate for the group, but your (Larry's) attempt to "gain the high ground" fell _very_ short.

All the best,

On Monday, December 11, 2017 at 3:52:51 PM UTC+1, wrote:

    On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 9:24 AM, Matthew Pava <
    <javascript:>> wrote:
    >>> Please keep your political rhetoric and irresponsible
    scaremongering off this list.
    >>> All the net neutrality repeal will do is restore some of the
    permissionless innovation that allowed the internet to blossom in
    the first place.
    > Dear Larry,
    > Please read what you just wrote.  On the one hand, you asked
    Etienne not to share political rhetoric, and then you called
    Etienne's act one of irresponsible scaremongering.  And then you
    had to have the last word in this discussion by sharing your own
    political rhetoric about the topic.  That's not right, and I'm not
    going to sit by and let that happen.
    > The better way to handle it would have been a personal message
    to Etienne asking that user not to post political rhetoric (in a
    nicer way than you just did) and not make that message public.
    > So here's an article about Net Neutrality:

    That article is from <>, a very
    far left, statist group,
    that feels the government should regulate, control and tax every
    aspect of your lives. We do not need more government regulation, we
    need less. A free market is always better. Net Neutrality is
    censorship, and it's crony capitalism.

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