Hi Adam, 

are you using Django REST Framework? 

I was using it, but after introducing Django Channels the REST endpoints 
stopped to work. 


Em sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2017 15:07:18 UTC, 
adam....@hedgehoglab.com escreveu:
> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I've managed to get it working running Daphne serving both HTTP and 
> WebSocket requests. Your reply prompted me to look into what I was 
> currently doing, and it crossed my mind that I was running via Gunicorn 
> which from now reading the deployment documentation for Django Channels 
> states WebSockets won't work via Gunicorn. 
> I'm now running it via a systemctl script using -
> ExecStart=/var/www/myproject/env/bin/daphne -b -p 8000 -u 
> /tmp/myproject.sock myproject.asgi:channel_layer
> ExecStartPost=/var/www/myproject/env/bin/python3 manage.py runworker
> This is then reverse proxied through nginx.
> Hopefully this is the best way to go about it when running inside of a 
> systemctl service, although I couldn't find any documentation on this so I 
> adapted how tutorials / examples use a systemctl service for Django with 
> Gunicorn.
> Thanks for the prompt response and appreciate the work done for Django!
> Adam
> On Tuesday, 31 January 2017 12:09:17 UTC, adam....@hedgehoglab.com wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We are currently considering using Django Channels for implementing 
>> WebSockets into a project. I am wondering if it is known that Django 
>> Channels runs perfectly within the same Django project as DRF? 
>> I have spent a little time investigating this myself and could manage to 
>> get DRF working on its own, but channels not working, and channels working 
>> on its own but not DRF (in the same project), depending on whether I ran 
>> the daphne server or 'runserver' which I assume runs WSGI. Couldn't find 
>> anything online about getting these two side by side.
>> Thanks,
>> Adam
>> ======================================================
>> hedgehog lab is a limited company registered in England and Wales. 
>> Registered number: 05993194. Registered office: Generator Studios, 
>> Trafalgar Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 2LA

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