Works  with

{% if request.path == '/profile/' %}

I kind of forgot that I used a URL module with 1.11...

Am Montag, 11. Dezember 2017 13:11:20 UTC+1 schrieb Michael Schietzsch:
> Hi,
> I am pretty new to Django (and therefore python). I started to write a 
> website with Django 1.11 and now tried to migrate it to 2.0
> I got most working with the help of the new documentation, but I have a 
> problem with request.path usage in a template. It worked fine with 1.11 but 
> not with 2.0. I was not able to find that anything changed with 
> request.path in 2.0
> Here is the template snippet:
> {% url 'profile' as profile_url %} {% if request.path == profile_url %}
>> <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm active" 
>> onClick="javascript:history.go(-1);">{% user_display user %}</button>
>> {% else %} 
>> <a class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm" href="/profile" role="button">{% 
>> user_display user %}</a>
>> {% endif %}
> What it does is, change a button, depending on the current URL. In 
> practice:
> The button is locate in a ever present nav bar. 
> If you are on your profile (/profile) than the button will be in active 
> state, and a click will go one back (sort of)
> If not, the buttin not active and will on klick send you to your profile
> Currently is will never be in the if true situation.
> I hope you can help me
> Thanks
> Regards
> Michael
> p.s.: I thought I already posted this, but could not find it, so here as a 
> repost. If it shows up twice, I am very sorry and will punish my browser 
> thoroughly ;-)

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  • DJango 2.0 request.path 'Michael Schietzsch' via Django users
    • Re: DJango 2.0 request.path 'Michael Schietzsch' via Django users

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