Hi everyone,

I am stuck getting the new channels 2 to a working state. I installed 
django==2.0rc1,  and channels==2.0.x, daphne==2.0.x, asgiref==2.0.x from 
the git repo
channels is enabled inside the settings.py. I also created the asgi.py file 
in the direcotry of the wsgi.py file acording to the docs. But still i get 
this error

    raise ImproperlyConfigured("Cannot find ASGI_APPLICATION setting.")
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Cannot find ASGI_APPLICATION 

So it seems that ASGI_APPLICATION has to be specified. So after adding the 
following line:
and starting ./manage.py runserver it now complains again. So which value 
is supposed to be there?

      raise ImproperlyConfigured("Cannot find %r in ASGI_APPLICATION module 
%s" % (name, path))
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Cannot find 'application' in 
ASGI_APPLICATION module mytestproject.asgi

I need to stick to version 2 as i want to try out asgigram 


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