I don't think manage.py does much with the path, since the
INSTALLED_APPS are given in Python package path syntax, and therefore
must be resolvable on the PYTHONPATH (ie, no additional information is
given for paths).  The only thing I've noticed that it may twiddle is
adding the directory containing settings.py to the path.

So you may just need to do an import from myproject.myapp.foo.bar (ie,
the full path, where it sometimes works to omit the myproject portion
when specifying an installed app).

Of course, if that doesn't work and the module you want to import is
always in the same relative location to settings.py, you could always
manipulate sys.path yourself.


On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 14:30 +0000, Le Roux Bodenstein wrote:
> Aah. It is because of this chicken and egg scenario.. manage.py adds
> your project's dir to the path after it imports your settings module.
> So when the settings module is being imported your project is not in
> the path yet, so you cannot import from
> myproject.some_package.some_module..
> I now added my dir to the path and it works fine. Feels dodgy, because
> my app now has an extra dependency when you install it..
> > 

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