Whats wrong in using FastCGI for your specific use-case ?


Le 2017-11-29 à 15:45, Luca Moiana a écrit :
Following this tutorial

I came up with this NGINX server:


upstream app_name {

server unix:/home/geouser/pmapp/pmapp.sock fail_timeout=10;


server {

listen 80;

root /home/geouser/pmapp;

server_name www.officinecartografiche.it,officinecartografiche.it,;

location /pmapp/{

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

proxy_set_header Host$http_host;

proxy_redirect off;

proxy_pass http://app_name/;




and I can access the "it works" page from: http://my domain/pmapp

But, If I try http://my domain/pmapp/admin

I have error 404

then if I use www.mydomain/pmapp I have "DisallowedHost at /" error but I added all possibile spell of my site, including IP, on 'ALLOWED_HOSTS' in settings.py

Any help?

Il giorno lunedì 27 novembre 2017 21:28:55 UTC+1, Matemática A3K ha scritto:

    Something like this should work:
    and change STATIC_URL and MEDIA_URL

    Also, the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME should also work, but if it doesn't,
    the first is the most "manual" thing you can do, I think...

    Then you have no need to have 2 nginx confs, just put that the
    proxy_pass "starts" in your prefix instead of root

    On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Luca Moiana <luca....@gmail.com
    <javascript:>> wrote:

        Googling around I found this page
        but ain't working for me

        Il giorno lunedì 27 novembre 2017 11:10:50 UTC+1, Etienne
        Robillard ha scritto:

            I have not been able to solve this problem with uWSGI.
            Apparently, uWSGI is not using the same internal routing
            semantics than FastCGI.

            See: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,275684,275706


            Le 2017-11-26 à 15:41, Matemática A3K a écrit :
            I don't know / remember how to do it in Gunicorn, but
            here is an example with uWSGI:

            The main thing is that you will have to deal with
            "/pmapp" prefix in your routing / urls. You can deal with
            this inside Django or have it stripped before it gets to
            Django (by nginx or gunicorn).

            HTH :)

            On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Luca Moiana
            <luca....@gmail.com> wrote:


                Sorry for the slight OT but after days of search I
                have no clue.

                Following this DigitalOcean tutorial
                was able to setup Django + Postgres + Gunicorn +
                NGINX running Django on my root,

                Now I'd like to change and have something like this:

                mydomain.com <http://mydomain.com> -> static HTML
                mydomain.com/pmapp <http://mydomain.com/pmapp> ->
                Django app

                I created two server blocks in NGINX, one for my
                static website:


                server {

                listen 80;

                listen [::]:80;

                root /var/www/html/officinecartografiche.it;

                index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;


                location /{

                try_files $uri $uri/=404;




                 and one for my django app:


                server {

                listen 80;

                listen [::]:80;


                location =/favicon.ico { access_log off;
                log_not_found off; }

                location /static/{

                root /home/geouser/pmapp;


                location /pmapp {


                proxy_pass http://unix:/home/geouser/pmapp/pmapp.sock;


                proxy_set_header SCRIPT_NAME /pmapp;




                and added this to settings.py:

                FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME =*'/pmapp'*


                WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??

                THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!

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