Hello Cristiano,

I understand your frustration but please avoid using the developer mailing 
as a second tier support channel. I suggest you try the IRC #django channel 
you need to want to get faster support.

What's happening here is that annotate() really means "select this field" 
in your other case you use a lookup (summary__icontains) which are only 
going to
be added to the WHERE clause of your query.

I'm not sure why you are annotating your queryset without referring to it in
a filter clause later on but the ORM cannot simply ignore it when you are
performing your `count()` because some annotations could interfere with 

There is an open ticket[0] to add support for an `alias()` method that would
allow the ORM to clear/ignore the specified expressions if it's not 
in the query.

In the mean time I think the best approach would be to avoid annotating the
queryset if your don't need to reference the score.


[0] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27719

Le mardi 21 novembre 2017 08:46:21 UTC-5, Cristiano Coelho a écrit :
> Hmm, should I try with the dev mailing list? Guess it's something no one 
> faced before?
> El martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017, 22:54:23 (UTC-3), Cristiano Coelho 
> escribió:
>> I'm getting some very odd query when combining annotate with count. See 
>> the following:
>> >>> q = 
>>> Vulnerability.objects.annotate(score=WordTrigramCustomSimilarity('test','summary'))
>>> >>> q.count()
>>> 3094
>>> >>> print connection.queries[-1]
>>> FROM (
>>>     SELECT "vulnerabilities_vulnerability"."id" AS Col1, 
>>> custom_word_similarity(\'test\', "vulnerabilities_vulnerability"."summary") 
>>> AS "score" 
>>>     FROM "vulnerabilities_vulnerability" 
>>>     GROUP BY "vulnerabilities_vulnerability"."id", 
>>> custom_word_similarity(\'test\', "vulnerabilities_vulnerability"."summary")
>>> ) subquery
>>> >>> q2 = Vulnerability.objects.filter(summary__icontains='test')
>>> >>> q2.count()
>>> 33
>>> >>> print connection.queries[-1]
>>> 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" 
>>> FROM "vulnerabilities_vulnerability" 
>>> WHERE UPPER("vulnerabilities_vulnerability"."summary"::text) LIKE 
>>> UPPER(\'%test%\')
>> Custom function code, is this what's causing the odd count behavior? Did 
>> I miss anything?
>> class WordTrigramCustomSimilarity(Func):
>>>     function = 'custom_word_similarity' 
>>>     def __init__(self, string, expression, **extra):
>>>         if not hasattr(string, 'resolve_expression'):
>>>             string = Value(string)
>>>         super(WordTrigramCustomSimilarity, self).__init__(string, 
>>> expression, output_field=FloatField(), **extra)
>> I would expect for the query to be a simple count, rather than a nested 
>> query with a useless group by (correct me if I'm wrong).
>> The issue gets even worse if the function is expensive, since it gets 
>> called when it's not needed at all, more than once.
>> Also the issue behaves pretty much the same if the queryset includes 
>> filtering and ordering but I didn't include it here for simplicity.
>> Using Django 1.11.7 + postgres (psycopg) backend.

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