Hi Roberta,

I haven't tested it but assuming you want the ordering to happen within the
database you may be able to do it with a combination of TIMESTAMPDIFF
 and MOD

Something like MOD( TIMESTAMPDIFF( 'SECOND', birthday, '1900-01-01'),
31556951) assuming you're using MySQL.

On average there are 365.2425 days per year, which equates to 31,556,951


On 21 November 2017 at 15:52, Roberta Takenaka Granero <
takenaka.robe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Roy
> I had already seen that link. But I didn't like the solution. Anyway it
> works, so I am using it for while.
> Thank you
> 2017-11-17 11:13 GMT-02:00 Roy Shillingburg <roy...@gmail.com>:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4236226/ordering-a-djang
>> o-queryset-by-a-datetimes-month-day
>> On Friday, November 17, 2017 at 7:19:43 AM UTC-5, Roberta Takenaka
>> Granero wrote:
>>> In models:
>>> birthday = models.DateField()
>>> def birthday_month_day(self):
>>>       # returns month and day
>>>       return '12-31'
>>> In views, I expect to see something pythonic like this:
>>> User.objects.all().order_by('birthday_month_day')
>>> I know it does not work because birthday_month_day is not a column in
>>> database.
>>> The question is how to get as result a list of all the users ordered by
>>> birthday (month + day), ignoring year. (queryset order_by DateField month
>>> day)
>>> Can you help me? Anyone has faced this question before?
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Roberta Takenaka
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