1) Its pretty obvious that the django is not able to find the required file in 
the given file path, so please it. 
2) As far as I know, the django 1.11 is supported by Python 3.6. So,  I would 
recommend you to go through the release notes of the 1.11 and use the 
recommended system configuration, otherwise if you put the code in prod env 
things may go hey-wire. For your confirmation, please take 2nd opinion on this 
part before you take any decision. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 23:26, jamesmarcusdavy7<jamesmarcusda...@gmail.com> 
wrote:   Hello, am using django 1.11.7 with python 2.7.13.But i have a problem 
when trying to load my page,the page gives me this error 

TemplateDoesNotExist at /
| Request Method: | GET |
| Request URL: | |
| Django Version: | 1.11.7 |
| Exception Type: | TemplateDoesNotExist |
| Exception Value: | base.html |
| Exception Location: | 
in get_template, line 25 |
| Python Executable: | C:\Users\JEMO.JAMES\Desktop\marcus\Scripts\python.exe |
| Python Version: | 2.7.13 |
| Python Path: | ['C:\\Users\\JEMO.JAMES\\Desktop\\marcus\\src',
 'C:\\Users\\JEMO.JAMES\\Desktop\\marcus\\lib\\site-packages'] |
| Server time: | Sat, 18 Nov 2017 17:18:25 +0000 |

My template folder is at the same place my manage.py is and in the base.py I 
have specified the Templates DIRS as 
DIRS:[os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'templates)].How can i  solve this problem?

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