I have two models Categories and Products.

A Product can have multiple Categories, a Category can have multiple 

The Categories have a circular Foreign key, to itself.

    class Product:
        categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category)
        name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    class Category:
        categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category)
        name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

Not all Categories have the same depth level. A Category can have no 
children and a Category can have multiple grandchildren.

*What I want to achieve:*

When a user add/create a Product, only a select-box containing the parents 
will appear. 

After the parent is selected, if the parent has children another select 
will appear with that parent children. Also the possibility to add more 

When a user what to edit a product the select boxes for what was already 
chosen should be available.

*From where I start:*

I know that to ManyToMany relation corresponds a ModelMultipleChoiceField 

To a ModelMultipleChoiceField corresponds a SelectMultiple widget.

I thought of creating an widget that inherits from SelectMultiple and 
change the templates manipulating the get_context_data on the Widget.

But my problem is that in context I don't have (know to find) the parent 
relation inside categories. 

What are my options ? 

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