
    I'm starting to, once again, get really frustrated with Django.  I
want to learn it so bad, but yet I keep failing!  My next problem is
with the internal webserver Django uses.  Is there some sort of
detailed log file that one can look at to debug the program?

    For example, with PHP and Apache, if there is a problem with the
page not being found, I can just check out the apache log files to see
exactly what the problem is.  Run a php -l to test the php code, find
the exact line the error is on, and then fix it.

    Now with django, I am trying to run through the "Are you generic"
tutorial.  When I go out to the URL, I get a 404 "Page not found"
message, but absolutely no more information as to where to look!  I
thought by using the devel version with the verbosity flag, it would be
able to show me something more, but nope!

    So now that I don't know where to look, I really don't know how to
fix it.  I don't know if it's something in my url.py file, my
settings.py, if it can't find the template, etc...  I keep running into
problems with this and the debugging that it's starting to get a little
frustrating.  Even when the page displays further information, half the
information on the page makes no sense.

   If I were to suggest something, I would suggest a little more info
on debugging and errors that make it easier to understand and where to
go to fix it.  If anybody has any ideas, i'm open to them because I
really want to learn!


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