On my HTML page, I have a list of Agent's (Agent is my custom User model).  
Beside each agent is a 'Send Invite' button.  To create a `TeamInvitation`, 
I need to specify which Agent is attached to its `receiver_agent` field (a 
OneToOneField with Agent)

There are multiple Agents displayed on the HTML page, and they are listed 
in order with template tags.  I need to input something after `pk` at 
`receiver_agent = Agent.objects.get(pk = ???)`, but I don't know what to 


    class InviteAgentSearchResults(ListView):
        model = Agent
        form_class = AgentSearchForm
        template_name = 'invite_agent_search_results.html'
        def get_queryset(self):
            # ... Code to find correct list of agents
        def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            invite = TeamInvitation.objects.create(receiver_agent = 
Agent.objects.get(pk = ???))
            return HttpResponse('Invite successfully sent.')


    {% for agent in agent_list %}
    <div class="agent">
    # ... Some code here

            <form method="post">  # The "Send Invite" button
                {% csrf_token %}
                <button class="button1"><span>Send Invite</span></button>
    {% endfor %}

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