I am working on a reporting feature that allows users for querying 
arbitrary models and fields, and present the result as a table. For 
example, consider the following object model:

Device <- Component
   ^         ^
   |         |
   |---- Interface <---2--- Connection
           / | \
          /  |  \
         /   |   \
  Sampling  IP   Policy

(The dash is the direction of a ForeignKey.)
To produce a report, I chose a three-step process:

1. The user interfaces returns a list of fields to be included in the 
report, such as

args = dict('Device.hostname__contains': 'localhost', 
'Package.name__icontains': 'unix', 'IP.address__contains': '192')

2. Given the list of args, find the shortest path that connects all 
required models. For the example above, the result is a tuple:

path = Device, Package, Interface, IP

3. In theory, I could now perform the following SQL request:

SELECT * FROM myapp_device d
LEFT JOIN myapp_package pa ON pa.device_id=d.id
LEFT JOIN myapp_interface ifc ON ifc.device_id=d.id
LEFT JOIN myapp_ip ip ON ip.interface_id=ifc.id;

But of course, I want to avoid the raw SQL. I considered the following 

- Using Device.objects.select_related() does not work, because Device has a 
1:n relation to Package (and also to Unit), which Django's select_related() 
does not support.

- Using prefetch_related() does not work, because it prefetches everything, 
which is too much in our case (>100 million rows if a user queries on all 
tables), and it does not provide us with a total of the number of rows 
selected. In practice, I want to count(*) everything for displaying a 
total, and fetch only a subset, using LIMIT.

Our tests showed that the raw SQL query with LEFT JOIN is fast enough for 
production, regardless of what fields and objects are being queried. The 
craziest query I built took about 20 seconds, which is ok for what we are 
trying to do.

Any other options?


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