Let's say i have a "register a new user" View and on this page, when the 
user forgets to inform a password or a username, i show a message to him on 
the same page saying "you forgot the password". The way i do this is by 
doing this(on my View.py in a function called cadastrarprofessor):

nomeusuario = request.POST['usuario'] #username
nomesenha = request.POST['senha'] #password
nomeemail = request.POST['email'] #email

if not nomeusuario:
return render(request,'cadastro.html',{'cadastrorealizadocomsucesso': 
False, 'error_message': "informe um usuário", 
'nomeemailcadastro':nomeemail, 'nomesenhacadastro':nomesenha})
elif not nomesenha:
return render(request,'cadastro.html',{'cadastrorealizadocomsucesso': 
False, 'error_message': "informe uma senha", 'nomeemailcadastro':nomeemail, 
elif not nomeemail:
return render(request,'cadastro.html',{'cadastrorealizadocomsucesso': 
False, 'error_message': "informe um email", 'nomesenhacadastro':nomesenha, 

And my template for this page(cadastro.html) is like this:
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<form action="{% url 'cadastrarprofessor' %}" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<label for="usuario">Usuário: </label>
{% if nomeusuariocadastro %}
<input id="usuario" type="text" name="usuario" value={{ nomeusuariocadastro 
{% else %}
<input id="usuario" type="text" name="usuario" value=""/>
{% endif %}


<input type="submit" value="Cadastrar"/>
<form action="{% url 'index' %}" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Voltar"/>
{% csrf_token %}
{% if cadastrorealizadocomsucesso is True %}<b>cadastro realizado com 
sucesso!</b>{% endif %}
{% if error_message %}<p><strong>{{ error_message }}</p></strong>{% endif %}

So, every time the user forgets to mention a username or email or password 
in this screen, i use render to redirect the user to the same page but this 
time displaying a error_message. Let's say he did forget to fill the 
textfield with a username... he goes back to the same page and sees the 
error message. After that, let's say everything is right and he finally 
registers a new user, he sees "cadastro realizado com sucesso"(sucessfully 
registered new user) and stays on the same page. But when he goes back a 
page(pressing "back" on the browser), instead of going back to the page 
before the cadastro.html, he goes back to the same page cadastro.html but 
displaying the error message for the "you forgot to mention your username". 
I don't want him to go back to the same page with error message, i want to 
make him go back to my main menu. 
Is there a better approach to display error messages on the same page 
instead of using return render like this:
return render(request,'cadastro.html',{'cadastrorealizadocomsucesso': False,
 'error_message': "informe um usuário", 'nomeemailcadastro':nomeemail,

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