I have Product and Categories. A product can be in multiple categories and 
off course a Category have multiple products.

The Categories can have Subcategories’ which can have Subcategories. I used 
a Category Model with a circular Foreign Key.

Each Product can have specifications/attributes based in which Categories 

So the specifications are of the products but depends on the Categories.

I can’t add the specifications as Products attributes because they depend 
on categories, and the user can change categories.

I can’t add them as attributes per Category because the value are/can be 
different for each product.

Also an attribute/specification can appear in multiple Categories.

I want also to search for a Product filtering by attributes.

I think I need a separate Attribute Model that is linked (foreign key) to 
both Product and Category.

Also a way of “protection” in case a Product change categories, a Product 
and/or a Category is deleted.

What is the optimal approach as flexibility and performance ? 

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