I cannot reproduce this behavior with Django 1.11 and PostgreSQL 9.6. What 
database are you using?

Does your Bar model maybe use non-standard Manager? Can you actually fetch 
to objects after the transaction has finished?

On Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 8:29:09 PM UTC+2, Александр Христюхин 
> Hi, 
> I have some function (fetcher) that runs in transaction (it has to) and it 
> creates a bunch if new objects that are written to database after 
> transaction is commited. Those objects are added to a many-to-many 
> relation. And on that relation change a signal is fired and handled by my 
> signal handler, that collects objects from relation and writes them into 
> some cache. 
> The problem is that during signal handling newly created objects do have 
> PKs, but are not in database yet. So signal_handler in code below always 
> gets empty queryset. 
> def fetcher(): 
>     with transaction.atomic(): 
>         foo = Foo.objects.create(...) 
>         foo.bars.add( 
>             Bar.objects.create(...), 
>             Bar.objects.create(...), 
>             Bar.objects.create(...), 
>             ... 
>         ) 
> @receiver(m2m_changed, sender=Foo.bars.through) 
> def signal_handler(pk_set=None, **kwargs): 
>     # signal_handler is being called inside of a transaction block 
>     Bar.objects.filter(pk__in=pk_set)  # <-- returns empty QuerySet! 
> Is there a way to delay signal handling until transaction is committed or 
> to get newly created objects by PKs? 

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