
Django doesn't use connection pooling. That's beyond scope of Django.

Normally Django opens connection per worker thread and keeps it open as
long as there is no unrecovable error or connection exceeds MAX_AGE setting

  for more informaton.

14.8.2017 16.06 "guettli" <guettli.goo...@thomas-guettler.de> kirjoitti:

Am Freitag, 21. Juli 2017 19:55:17 UTC+2 schrieb Fred Stluka:
> Answer:  Connection pooling
> Sharing a single DB user for all/multiple Web app users allows
> connection pooling.  Otherwise, you have to create a new DB
> connection for each HTTP request, or at least for each web app
> user.  Creating DB connections is relatively slow.
> At least, I learned this reason 20 years ago, and assume it is
> still true.  On the other hand, I've never checked to see whether
> Django uses a connection pool by default, and it seems pretty
> quick.
> Does Django use a connection pool?

I don't know if django uses a connection pool. I think not by default.

The wsgi-workers handle one request after the other. I think this
makes the thing fast. At least no complete db connection needs to be
established for
every request.

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