Reading <> tells me that runSQL allows arbitrary SQL to run on the database ... except for the postgres backend: "On most database backends (all but PostgreSQL), Django will split the SQL into individual statements prior to executing them."
I want to insert data into the two columns of the database. The model reads: class Cities (models.Model): city_name=models.CharField(max_length=24, unique=True) county_name=models.CharField(max_length=12, unique=True) and I have a list of 419 pairs of names I want to pre-load into this database table. The rows contain the two variables; e.g., Bend,Deschutes Birkenfeld,Columbia Blachly,Lane Black Butte Ranch,Deschutes So, using a postgres back end can I write, migrations.RunSQL("INSERT INTO Cities (city_name,county_name) VALUES ('Bend','Dechutes');") repeated for each row in the table (easy to do with emacs)? And, can I put this code in after the classes? Rich