Yes, even there isn't real foreign keys in  the database you can still join

Have been doing that few times with legacy database. When defining fkey you
need to point it to corresponding field in fkey attributes in your model if
it isnt your target model pk.

And you can join nonmanged models with managed just fine.

16.6.2017 19.26 "Kevin Yu" <> kirjoitti:

Hi Jani,

Thanks for the link. I was aware of this link and actually followed the
steps when I started the project. I tried using model but then found out
when i need to query a join, it doesn't seem to work unless there's a
foreign key between the two models, however, given it's a legacy database,
i can't touch the schema at all. Is it possible to query join results with


On Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 11:31:42 PM UTC-7, Jani Tiainen wrote:

> Hi,
> Even you do have legacy database, you can use unmanaged models and then
> leverage full power of ORM [1].
> Just create models and in their Meta set managed = False and there you go.
> And what comes to paging - you need to somehow pass offset and limit to
> your query.
> [1]
> On 16.06.2017 02:05, Kevin Yu wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using raw sql to connect to database. The reason we used raw sql
> instead of the Django model is because the database is legacy and is being
> shared by multiple applications...
> I have one use case that I'm struggling right now. Basically I have a page
> that fetch more than 1000 results. My query is like this:
>         cursor = connection.cursor()
>         cursor.execute('''
>                 SELECT,, br.created_at, br.updated_at,
>                 br.branchpoint_str, br.source
>                 FROM branches as br
>                 LEFT JOIN branches_projects as bp
>                 ON = bp.branch_id
>                 WHERE bp.project_id = "%s" AND source != "other"
>                 ORDER BY updated_at DESC
>                                    ''', [int(project_id)]
>                )
> Then in my template, I have this:
>     {% for br in special_branches %}
>       <tr class="{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:2 %}even{% else %}odd{%
> endif %} highlightable" link="/files/{{build.image_pat
> h}}/build{{build.build_number}}/">
>             <td class="selectable">{{}}</td>
>             <td class="selectable">{{br.branchpoint}}</td>
>             <td class="selectable center">{{ br.source|upper }}</td>
>             <td class="selectable center">{{br.updated_at}}
>             <td class="selectable center">{{br.built_at}}</td>
>       </tr>
>     {% endfor %}
> The current problem is this would create a very long page... I am
> wondering how to approach this problem so that I can have different page on
> the template, and say 100 result per page, when i click the second page,
> then  django will fetch result 100-200.
> Thanks!
> --
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