Hello, everyone, I just want to get some more feedback on this, before 
posting it into the tracker.

So according to the docs 
the order of *annotate* and *filter* matters, since they are not 
commutative operations.

The *annotation* is over the full queryset if applied before *.filter*, and 
the *annotation* gets filtered if applied after 
*.filter*We can even use both strategies together, i.e.

publishers = (Publisher.objects
                        .annotate(num_books=Count('book', distinct=True))
                        .annotate(num_rated=Count('book', distinct=True))

will produce the following SQL

    COUNT(DISTINCT "store_book"."id") AS "num_books",
    COUNT(DISTINCT T3."id") AS "num_rated"
FROM "store_publisher" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "store_book" ON ("store_publisher"."id" = "store_book".
INNER JOIN "store_book" T3 ON ("store_publisher"."id" = T3."publisher_id")
    T3."rating" > 3.0 
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT "store_book"."id") = (COUNT(DISTINCT T3."id"))

which is exactly what I expected. 

However, in this example the *annotation* + *filter* is done over a 
ForeignKey, if do this over a M2M field:

stores = (Store.objects
                .annotate(num_books=Count('books', distinct=True))
                .annotate(num_rated=Count('books', distinct=True))

we get the following SQL:

    COUNT(DISTINCT "store_store_books"."book_id") AS "num_books",
    COUNT(DISTINCT "store_store_books"."book_id") AS "num_rated"
FROM "store_store" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "store_store_books" ON ("store_store"."id" = 
INNER JOIN "store_store_books" T4 ON ("store_store"."id" = T4."store_id") 
INNER JOIN "store_book" T5 ON (T4."book_id" = T5."id") 
    T5."rating" > 3.0 
    COUNT(DISTINCT "store_store_books"."book_id") = (COUNT(DISTINCT 

which is incorrect compared to the first one.
The second annotation is not over the filtered set (i.e. its not using the 
T4/T5 tables).
What I would have expected here, is the same result as the previous query 
with publishers.

Any thoughts?

PS. I'm testing this on Django 1, 11, 1

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