If you are using the sqlite database to dummy test , you can in a test case 
class submit the post to sign up form ( and store at database ) and in 
other class retrieve the user created previously and performs the login .
Em terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 04:07:29 UTC-3, Akash Tomar escreveu:
> class SignUpTest(TestCase):
> def test_createAccount(self):
> my_data = {'username': 'akash.tomar107', 'password': 'akashtomar',"email":"
> akash.tomar...@gmail.com <javascript:>", "confirm_password":"akashtomar", 
> "type_of_user":"1", "first_name":"akash", "last_name":"tomar"}
> response = self.client.post('/signup/', json.dumps(my_data), 
> content_type='application/json')
> self.assertIs(json.loads(response.content)["success"], True)
> class LoginTest(TestCase):
> def test_login(self):
> my_data = {'username': 'akash.tomar107', 'password': 'akashtomar'}
> response = self.client.post('/login/', json.dumps(my_data), 
> content_type='application/json')
> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
> self.assertIs(json.loads(response.content)["login"], True)
> I want to be able to use the data created while running SignUpTest in the 
> LoginTest. How do I achieve that? Please help.

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