Hi - I'm working with Django Channels (1.1.3) on a Django project and I 
have some questions about how to send multiple messages from the same 

The idea is the consumer will receive a request to do some work, and will 
send incremental results back to user. I've attached a simplified example 
below with some questions. I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right 

Django Channels:

> def do_some_work(message):
>     for i in range(3):
>         time.sleep(2)
>         message.reply_channel.send({"text": 'Finished work ' + str(i)})
> def ws_connect(message):
>     message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})
> channel_routing = [
>     route('websocket.connect', ws_connect),
>     route('websocket.receive', do_some_work, path=r'/todo')
> ]

Javascript (borrowed mostly from the docs):

socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + window.location.host + "/todo/");
> socket.onmessage = function(e) {
>     console.log(e.data);
> }
> socket.onopen = function() {
>     socket.send("hello world");
> }
> // Call onopen directly if socket is already open
> if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) socket.onopen();

Expected results: Every two seconds the browser would receive a reply from 
the consumer saying 'Finished work x'. 

What I observe is a delay for ~6 seconds and then all results returned at 
the same time. Are the response on the reply channel blocked somehow? Is 
there I way I can yield, or release the message before doing the next 
increment of work?

I've also tried setting up a new consumer that *only* replies via a Group. 
So instead of *message.reply_channel.send, *I would 
...})* and have a new consumer defined on channel_routing for the 
*'reply-channel'*. But the results are the same - all the 'work' is 
completed before the browser receives a response. 

Any hints on how to send multiple message in the same consumer?

Thanks in advance.

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