Hi Ajat,

It was not clear to me why you do not use 'Extending the existing User
model' approach, described here

For me it works very well in almost all cases.
And if you go that way then authentication/authorization based questions
should not bring any worries at all.

But may be I missed something.
If so, please provide us with more concrete questions.

Constantine C.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Ajat Prabha <ajat.prabha....@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I'm creating a payment gateway to make transactions on my college campus
> go cashless. It can be used to pay library dues, stationary charges, etc.
> The user will add money to a central account and then he/she can use that
> money virtually. I chose Django because of its security. But as I need 3
> groups of users viz. Faculty, Student and Staff, I'm having trouble to
> implement this in the best possible way. I fix one thing, the other gets
> disturbed. I'm new to Django, so I don't have much experience. I'm
> comfortable with views, basic models, etc. But this User customization, I
> can't get it right.
> I'm attaching a representational User model (any suggestions are welcome),
> please have a look. All the 3 groups will have certain fields common and
> certain fields specific to that group only like roll_number/employee_code
> and permission_sets(in case the system is later used for access to labs,
> etc.). The fields at below of the image will be common to all groups.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ApmIsfCMgnY/WRcInaw2xrI/AAAAAAAAA94/sLaL-TCzPswVdAb_zKgRtnwEj8KEa4yeACLcB/s1600/IMG_20170513_175313.jpg>
> I also tried this
> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz8W8OncbJROWHZLUXhsTmdETlU> customization 
> which
> worked but then I had issues in Django admin view where the password was
> stored in plain hashed value. I think it has something to do with
> reimplementing ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget method declared in
> django.contrib.auth.forms but I'm not sure!
> I chose Django in the first place for security reasons and I'm not able to
> get it right.
> Can someone please help me out.
> Thanks!
> --
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Sincerely yours,
Constantine C

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