Hi people,

I'm new in django, so i have simple questions. Sorry for that.

I want to develop a simple app to make entries in stock. To start i install 
the jet dashboard and start an app called polls: 

I want to add a entrie and inside i need to have a table where i will 
insert the news produts to the entrie. I have this now, but i need that 
which new product have a column with the liquid weight (pesoliquido) that 
is an equation:

class InputDetail(models.Model):
    input = models.ForeignKey(Entrada,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    produto = models.CharField(max_length=200);
    weight = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField();
    caixas = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField();
    pesocaixas = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField();
    pesopaletes = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField();   
    def _get_liquid(self):
        return self.weight - (self.caixas * self.pesocaixas) - 
    pesoliquido = property(_get_liquid)
    white = 'white'
    green = 'green'
    tipopalete = (
        (white,'Jaulas Brancas'),
        (green,'Jaulas Verdes'),
    palete = models.CharField(

the liquid weight should be the equation and if the user want an entrie to 
insert the value. The table of the products inserted should have the sum of 
all liquid weight. How can i do this? I want too a popup window to insert 
the products..

Thanks guys

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