Karsten W. Rohrbach wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply. However, configurable containers with
> configurable collections of content is one of the more prominent use
> cases for a publishing platform (IMVHO) and I somehow took the "Django
> is for creating CMSes" phrase too literally, it seems.

Though I never actually designed publishing systems there is a very 
general thing that is called 'object-relational impedance mismatch'[1]. 
It basically says that principles of organization of an object oriented 
program differ in essence from those of a relational database. 
Inheritance and unified collection of objects of base and derived 
classes are very common for OO design but they just don't have their 
direct counterpart in a relational database. In practice this means that 
when you try to abstract a database away and just map an object model 
into it transparently it won't work smooth.

Django, by design, doesn't try to hide a database structure from a user. 
So designing a Django models around pure object oriented concepts is 
really asking for more work than it should take.

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-Relational_Impedance_Mismatch

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