Is there any recommendation on how many `runworker` processes should we run
on production?

There is no real guideline to provide. The "correct" number is a function
of hardware, traffic, and the amount of processing needed to fulfill
requests. That number may change over time as the app is further developed.

Increase the number of available processes/threads across some amount of
time (perhaps a few days or a week to account for bursts). Be sure to
monitor CPU, RAM, and disk I/O. If any of those reach 100% utilization
during regular operation (or your response times drop), back it off
slightly to account for bursts. Keep in mind that you may also need to tune
the number of database listeners or connections, and/or RAM allocated to
the DB cache, etc. Other dependent pieces of your infrastructure may need
modification as well, such as caches.

I'm having many 403 responses on frontend and ChannelFull on backend. Saw
here on the mailing list that adding new workers might help. Indeed it
helped, tested already with 10 for now, but would like to know if there is
any side effect doing this.

No bad side effects until you exceed RAM, CPU, or disk limits. In many
cases, your DB is the bottleneck, so be sure to tune those settings along
with the web service processes.

It's a bit strange to receive a 403, since that generally has to do with
authorization, and not operational issues. Seems like a 5XX error would be
more appropriate for a ChannelFull situation, but that may be just the way
it works.


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