Our server has 24 Cores and 192G memory, should be big enough to handle
this kind of load? BTW, one more thing I want to mention is that we are
using host based docker, possible any config or limitation there?

While I'm not familiar with your particular error, it's possible that your
problem is in one of these areas:

1. Your web server is threaded, but your code is not thread safe, and
you're hitting a race condition. The object you are expecting to exist has
been unexpectedly modified or deleted by another thread. Can't comment
further without knowledge of your underlying setup, code, etc.
Alternatively, a file being read/written is modified/removed by a different

2. Your underlying web server is not tuned to utilize the hardware you've
mentioned. A typical Apache install will not spawn enough workers or
threads to use that much horsepower. If your processor, disk, and RAM are
not pegged (or close to), you aren't getting the bang for your buck that
you thought with a large server (or you may not have enough load to tax it).

3. Your database may be congested, causing the Django calls to run slowly,
possibly resulting in timeouts. Check the DB logs for over-subscription.

4. There may also be errant clients who are sending incomplete requests, or
potentially port scanning where no headers are sent, and you are actually
seeing a false-positive log.

Otherwise, you'll need to determine whether the error is coming from Apache
receiving headers from the client, or if it is having issues with Django
sending the needed headers back to Apache.


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