Some years ago I used celery for a project.

Today I face roughly the same use case again.

The last time I used it, celery felt to heavy weighted, too complicated.

I found this alternative:

There are two things which speak agains python-rq:

 - redis is a cache. I need a persistent queue. If a power-failure happens, 
no job must get lost.

 - AFAIK python-rq uses python pickle to serialize data. I want a language 
neutral data exchange format.

At the moment my favourite protocol is gRPC (protocol-buffers). I never 
used it up to now, but this would be a nice use case.

Maybe I am missing the right terms. What does celery implement? According 
to wikipedia "asynchronous task queue". But
my favorite search engine could not reveal a gRPC based server implemented 
in Python ....

What do you think?

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