Confirmed with Django 1.11, Python 3.4.3.
I strongly think this is a case you can report in bug tracker. Please tell 
if you will do.
I have been trying to find some time to test this since I read your message.

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 4:12:30 AM UTC-4, Meiyer wrote:
> Just yesterday I bumped into an issue that left me puzzled for a while, 
> and I want to verify if this is indeed the case before opening a bug ticket.
> The documentation 
> <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/topics/auth/default/#permissions> 
> states the we can use either the {{ perms.my_app.update_obj }} tag  to 
> display the result of a check for a specific permission "update_obj" within 
> the my_app module/app, or the {{ perms.my_app }} tag to display the 
> result of a check if the user has any permissions in the my_app module/app. 
> Yet, when using the second variant, I suddenly had the whole permission set 
> of the user dumped to the page. This is quite obvious when looking at 
> the contrib\auth\context_processors.py code: when doing a {% if "my_app" 
> in perms %} check it will land into the __contains__ method 
> of PermWrapper while for an output such as {{ perms.my_app }}, it will 
> land into the __getitem__ method that returns a PermLookupDict, in turn 
> triggering the __repr__ method when displayed:
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return str(self.user.get_all_permissions()) 
> This is clearly in odds with the documentation. So what is the expected 
> result? Should {{ perms.my_app }} display a True or (at least, no more 
> than) the permissions the user has in the my_app module/app?

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