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On Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 12:38:57 PM UTC-4, IaMtheMcee wrote:
> setting up audiotracks in a new project.. im forced to use the example 
>> project, whose structure i don't fully understand.. 
> the documentation says..
> Add ``audiotracks`` to your app
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Edit ``settings.py`` and add ``audiotracks`` to your list of
> ``INSTALLED_APPS``. Then synchronize your database with::
>     $ python manage.py syncdb
> Edit your ROOT_URLCONF_ and add a piece of code similar to::
>     urlpatterns += patterns('',
>         # Here we mount the app under /music. Feel free to use something 
> else
>         url("^music", include("audiotracks.urls")),
>         # Some URLs require a Django username
>         url("^(?P<username>[\w\._-]+)/music", include("audiotracks.urls")),
>     )
> Visit the URL ``/music/upload`` to upload your first track.
> but i get an error everytime i try 

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