I really think you should revisit CBV's - you don't have to use the generic
views unless they make sense. I regularly override most of my own with
mixins and the like. And like you said - querying the database and
returning a template is probably one of the most common things I do. That's
a detail view and 3 rows of code.

I understand that you like the way you work - but I think CBV's is probably
one of the greatest additions to django - mostly because of mixins and

Regarding the need to use 2 forms in the same view - I haven't stumbled
across that usecase yet - but I probably wouldn't have an issue in CBV's
either - but couldn't use the generic FormView for that though.



2017-04-03 19:01 GMT+02:00 Some Developer <someukdevelo...@gmail.com>:

> Most views are incredibly simple. Query database, maybe do a security
> check on the logged in user if the data shouldn't be public or only some
> users / groups can view it (yeah one thing I don't use as often as I should
> but will be using more of in the future is the built in Django permissions
> system), return data and add it to template context. Done.
> Forms might add a couple of minutes per form. Just need to check that each
> form is valid and save the results or do the database search as required.
> Neither requires much programming time or skill.
> I don't see why any of that should take any more than 5 minutes. Before I
> started programming in Python / Django I was a C programmer. Now that takes
> time because there are so many mistakes you can make in C unless you are on
> the ball. In comparison Python and Django is a piece of cake.
> The thing that takes the time is planning out features and making sure
> your unit tests are comprehensive. Also making sure your models are well
> designed. I can easily spend 2 times the amount of time planning out
> features than I do actually programming and my philosophy when it comes to
> programming is have the absolute bear minimum of code in your views. If you
> can get rid of code then do so.
> On 03/04/2017 16:10, Vijay Khemlani wrote:
>> Also
>> "I can write just about any view I want in less than 5 minutes with a
>> function based view. The only slow down on my end is my typing speed."
>> If your typing speed is the limiting factor in your workflow... *shudders*
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