Hi Camilo,

Thanks for your suggestion. Would certainly look for solutions outside 
Django if Django cannot suffice. But was trying to find something with 
Django since the web part was in Django and for easy of development.

We are already using Celery Extensively but then high Resource Usage is not 
desirable. If there is no alternative then we would have to live with it 
and probably add more HW or do some distributed processing. 


On Saturday, March 11, 2017 at 6:08:11 PM UTC+5:30, Camilo Torres wrote:
> Hi.
> You can probably use another web framework for that report, or even 
> rethink your architecture and put the report creation outside Django and 
> the web server without Django ORM.
> You may be interested in evaluating Celery and Django Celery. You can 
> create a separate task outside Django to create such report, call the task 
> from within Django with Celery, create the report and email to the user.
> Regards.

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