
I am accessing multiple database through django and facing one issue. That 
issue is explained in detail at below link: 


Can I use django-mongodb-engine as database backend and model and 
modelserializer instead of document and document serializer.

i.e If I start using django-mongodb-engine instead of mongoengine and 
rest-framework-mongoengine, will that can have any problems.

Because I have checked following things with django-mongodb-engine + 
Model.model + Modelserializer and Mongodb as database.

   - Database routers for database switching.
   - Embedded Model field
   - DictField
   - Custom user
   - JWT Authentication

and things are working really nice

So if I migrate my project to models from documents, will that can stop me 
anywhere in future.* Are there any limitations of django-mongodb-engine ???* 
django-mongodb-engine project's been dead for 2 years, or even longer)


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