On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 07:45:24PM -0500, Ed Sutherland wrote:
> The problem surrounded a textfield that had no default. I added the
> default string and migrate complained it was an int. I changed the
> string and migrate still complains of the int default that no longer
> exists.

Hi Ed,

When trying to get help with an error, it's usually helpful to post
the full traceback that you get when it happens. Otherwise people have
to do a lot of guessing as to what could have gone wrong, and it just
takes longer to get all the relevant information out of the question

In this case (and now I'm just guessing, because you haven't provided
a lot of detail in your problem description), it might be that you
have a broken migration in your repository that you'll need to fix. If
that is the case, could you also post the code of the migration file
that is failing?



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