I would tag the 404 in django and let the monitoring app do most of the
The tag would simply be an extra header, x-reason for example. It would
take values like "no mapping for url" or "object not found".

This way, your django app is still doing no more than its job, indicating
the ressources is unavailable, and this monitoring app have enough data to
decide if the 404 should be logged or not.

On 1 Mar 2017 10:54 a.m., "Antonis Christofides" <
anto...@djangodeployment.com> wrote:

> My gut feeling says you should treat this in monitoring, however here are
> some questions:
> 1) Why do you monitor 404s at all?
> 2) Could you give some examples of 404s that are valid or should be
> ignored?
> Regards,
> Antonis
> Antonis Christofideshttp://djangodeployment.com
> On 03/01/2017 11:42 AM, Andreas Kuhne wrote:
> I think you should always report a 404 as a 404 regardless of the
> situation.
> The application shouldn't have to know if it is a valid 404 or an
> "invalid" - because from the applications point of view, the page (or item)
> couldn't be found.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Regards,
> Andréas
> 2017-03-01 10:25 GMT+01:00 guettli <guettl...@gmail.com>:
>> In systems which are accessed only via intranet we used to monitor http
>> 404 responses.
>> Every time a 404 happens, an issue in our monitoring gets created.
>> This worked well in the past.
>> Now we have cases where a 404 is valid or should be ignored. No issue in
>> the monitoring should be visible.
>> You could apply "separation of concerns" and keep on reporting all 404
>> responses
>> and do the filtering in the monitoring area.
>> But on the other hand the code knows more. I have places where I know that
>> this 404 should be ignored.
>> I am biased where the problem should get solved:
>>  - inside django app
>>  - inside monitoring
>> What do you think?
>> Does anybody make a differenence between "good 404 vs bad 404"?
>> Regards,
>>   Thomas
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