Hi Richard,
Am 27.02.2017 um 04:01 schrieb Richard Belew:
{%url 'djggApp/guest'guest.guestId 'update'%}
but this generates a /NoReverseMatch/ error
/Reverse for 'djggApp/guest' with arguments '(1, u'update')' and keyword
arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []/
In the {% url %}, you use "update" as a parameter, so you should either
{% url 'djggApp:updateGuest' guest.guestId %}
or, for example
login_required(views.GuestUpdate.as_view()), name='updateGuest'),
(there are alternative ways for this, e.g. using \w+)
Note that your view must deal with the new parameter.
And in the template
{% url 'djggApp:updateGuest' guest.guestId 'update' %}
Best regards,
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