
For long time we use a DatabaseRouter and a middleware to choose database 
to use on the fly. With the time going we have now a lot too much databases 
configurations in our settings.
So we have made something to dynamically load database configuration in 
django.db.connections when they are not present but present in a database 
storying the configurations.

Everything is working well, but before putting it in production, we will be 
happy to have some feedback about this way of doing things and be sure that 
it's the good way to load dynamically database configurations.

So is-it correct to add new connections by using this function :

from django.db import connections
def add_db_connection(system_id, name, user, password, host, protocol):
    connections.databases[system_id] = {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.' + protocol,
        'NAME': name,
        'USER': user,
        'PASSWORD': password,
        'HOST': host,
        'CONN_MAX_AGE': 0

or is they a better way to load new databases configurations ?

Thanks a lot for your answers,


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