who is the better method to take images from uses(visitors)on the fly on my 
web site and to return the new images(with some processing) back to users 
using DJANGO?

i am new i dont know how to connect my python script with the html 
templates to take the images and how to return. 

for example my script take images paths to processing new images with new 
paths. a simple image classification with GDAL :

# Input file name (thermal image)
src = "thermal.tif"
# Output file name
tgt = "classified.jpg"
# Load the image into numpy using gdal
srcArr = gdalnumeric.LoadFile(src)
# Split the histogram into 20 bins as our classes
classes = gdalnumeric.numpy.histogram(srcArr, bins=20)[1]
# Color look-up table (LUT) - must be len(classes)+1.# Specified as R,G,B 
lut = 
\ [0,133,0],[57,230,57],[103,230,103],[184,138,0]]
# Starting value for classification
start = 1
# Set up the RGB color JPEG output image
rgb = gdalnumeric.numpy.zeros((3, srcArr.shape[0],
srcArr.shape[1],), gdalnumeric.numpy.float32)
# Process all classes and assign colorsfor i in range(len(classes)):
    mask = gdalnumeric.numpy.logical_and(start <= \
 srcArr, srcArr <= classes[i])
    for j in range(len(lut[i])):
      rgb[j] = gdalnumeric.numpy.choose(mask, (rgb[j], \ lut[i][j]))
    start = classes[i]+1 
# Save the image    
gdalnumeric.SaveArray(rgb.astype(gdalnumeric.numpy.uint8), \
tgt, format="JPEG")

This script takes image input src a take new image with classification. but i 
dont know how to programming the post,get and image output from the python 
script in html form template .

i know to change python script in Django to can run i html template maybe for 
the input like this variable = request.POST.get('variable', False) and the 
output image like this return render_to_response ('blog/calc.html', {'variable' 

but i dont have experience with this and i dont know if this method is better 
or no.

can i have django form without files upload to save samoe path ?

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