Hi Matthew

I think I might not have explained my issue fully.
Within my jobs models.py I have the following:
def get_absolute_url(self):
        kwargs = {
                  'job_id': self.job_id,
                  'slug': self.slug,
        return reverse('job_detail', kwargs=kwargs)

I have the following urls patterns:
url(r'^$', views.JobListView.as_view(), name='job_list'),
url(r'^(?P<job_id>[-\w]*)/(?P<slug>[-\w]*)/$', views.JobDetail.as_view(),

At this stage everything works fine so that clicking on a job in the job
list takes you through to the detail for that job.
I have then created an application form for the jobs as follows:
def job_application(request, job_id, slug):
    # Retrieve job by id
    job = get_object_or_404(Job, job_id=job_id)
    sent = False

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Form was submitted
        form = JobForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Form fields passed validation
            cd = form.cleaned_data
            job_url = request.build_absolute_uri(job.get_absolute_url())
            subject = '{} ({}) Application for  "{}"'.format(cd['name'],
cd['email'], job.title)
            message = 'Application for "{}" at {}\n\n{}\'s comments:
{}'.format(job.title,  job_url, cd['name'], cd['comments'])
            from_email = ''
            to_list = ['']
            send_mail(subject, message, from_email, to_list)
            sent = True
        form = JobForm()
    return render(request, 'jobs/job_application.html', {'job': job,
'form': form, 'sent': sent})

The url for this form is:
views.job_application, name='job_application'),

I can go to this link directly in my browser as follows:
What I am looking to achieve is a link within the job detail page for that
specific job that takes you through to the application fom for that job.

Any advice gratefully appreciated.

On 31 January 2017 at 16:32, Matthew Pava <matthew.p...@iss.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Please make sure you have a get_absolute_url method on your JobApplication
> model in order for that to work and that you passing job_application in
> through the context in the template.
> If you don’t have that method, you could use the {% url %} tag, but you
> would have to provide the pk and slug as arguments.
> <a href=”{% url  ‘job_application’ pk=job_application.job_id
> slug=job_application.slug %}”>{{ job_application }}</a>
> Good luck!
> *From:* 'David Turner' via Django users [mailto:django-users@
> googlegroups.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 31, 2017 9:09 AM
> *To:* django-users@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: Link to urls containing slug
> I had tried that but unfortunately it doesn't work but thanks anyway.
> On 31/01/2017 14:57, Matthew Pava wrote:
> Assuming I’m understanding your question correctly, all you need to do is
> reference get_absolute_url in your template.
> Something like so:
> <a href=”{{ job_application.get_absolute_url }}”>{{ job_application }}</a>
> *From:* 'dtdave' via Django users [mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com
> <django-users@googlegroups.com>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 31, 2017 8:46 AM
> *To:* Django users
> *Subject:* Link to urls containing slug
> Within my model I have the following that links through to a detail page.
> def get_absolute_url(self):
>         kwargs = {
>                   'job_id': self.job_id,
>                   'slug': self.slug,
>                        }
>         return reverse('job_detail', kwargs=kwargs)
> Everything works fine with this.
> Within my urls.py I have the following:
> url(r'^$', views.JobListView.as_view(), name='job_list'),
> url(r'^(?P<job_id>[-\w]*)/(?P<slug>[-\w]*)/$', views.JobDetail.as_view(),
> name='job_detail'),
> url(r'^(?P<job_id>[-\w]*)/(?P<slug>[-\w]*)/job_application/$',
> views.job_application, name=‘job_application'),
> Then within my views.py the following:
> def job_application(request, job_id, slug):
>     # Retrieve job by id
>     job = get_object_or_404(Job, job_id=job_id)
>     “””Other code here””””
> However, I am having problems linking to this from my template in my
> detail page.
> What structure should I be using to link to the job application from the
> job detail page?
> I can access the url by going to
> http://localhost:8000/jobs/1/name-of-job/job_application/
> Any advice would be appreciated
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